She-Hulk Sensational #1 © May 2010, Marvel Comics
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Marvel Comics © May 2010, She-Hulk Sensational #1. The story is "The She-Hulk Story That's a Riff on Christmas Carol".
Characters: She-Hulk [Jennifer Walters]; Spider-Man [Peter Parker]; Stan Lee; Sheriff Morris Walters; Weezi Mason; Awesome Andy; Red Hulk; Leader; Doc Samson [Leonard Samson]; Nick Fury; Iron Man [Tony Stark]; Valkyrie; The Misstro; Hulk [Bruce Banner]
Script: Peter David Pencils: JonBoy Meyers Inks: JonBoy Meyers
This book appears (nm 98), w/ the expected nics, tics, wear and tear, I only see two tics. Thanks for looking. 5230-1005-98