D&D 4th Edition for Dummies
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Explore the fantasy world of D&D and delve into dungeons, slay monsters, and gain treasure! If you've been thinking of playing D&D or you've played before and you want to get up to speed on the all-new 4th Edition, this is the book for you. Here's what you need to know to join the fantasy fun. * D&D terminology understand what ability check, modifier, saving throw, AC, gp, hp, and XP mean * Roll the dice add modifiers and see if you rolled the d20 high enough to beat the challenge * Minding your manners know D&D etiquette so you'll be welcome in any adventure * Character building select your character's race and class, and choose the best powers, skills, feats, and gear * Roleplaying give your character a background and personality quirks * Combat use combat rules, a battle grid, and miniatures to play out furious battles Open the book and find: * Everything a new player needs to get started playing D&D * Details on four fantasy races and four iconic classes * Explanations of every number and statistic on the character sheet * The best magic items and equipment for characters of all classes * Advice on roleplaying and teamwork * A ready-to-use adventure to get you started as a Dungeon Master * A ready-to-use battle grid with character and monster markers Read more: http://www.dummies.com/store/product/Dungeons-and-Dragons-4th-Edition-For-Dummies-2nd-Edition.productCd-0470292903,navId-322498,descCd-description.html#ixzz0wR9Y7l2b