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King of the Giantdowns

King of the Giantdowns

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Untamed by the laws of man, the Giantdowns region remains a buffer zone between the ruined empire of Anuire and its northern neighbor, the Rjurik Highlands. The Great Downs themselves are the stuff of legends: Giants, they say, are buried beneath the mounds, awaiting some call to rise and battle once more.

But in the meantime, other forces threaten the Downs. A new awnshegh, the humanoid known as Ghuralli, strives to make his small kingdom a rival to the neighboring Gorgon's Crown. His armies of humanoids, giant-kin, and monsters stand ready to strike at the few human settlers brave enough to live in the shadow of the Great Downs.

The Rjurik settlers need a leader, someone who can defeat Ghuralli and forge a kingdom out of their scattered clans. They need someone to step forth and become King of the Giantdowns.

This 64-page adventure accessory contains detailed information on the Giantdowns region, the people, monsters, and places that can be found within, and several adventures for beginning and experience players alike.

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