ACTION COMICS #283 © 1961 DC Comics
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Marvel Comics © Dec 1961, ACTION #283. The story is The Red Kryptonite Menace!, The Six Red "K" Perils of Supergirl!, . Featuring appearances by Superman; Perry White; Lois Lane; Jimmy Olsen; Red Kryptonite; Green Kryptonite; Jan Dex [Durlan]; Zo-Gar [Durlan]; Sherlock Holmes; Jor-El; Lara; Jonathan Kent; Martha Kent; Khrushchev (Disguised Durlan); John F. Kennedy (Disguised Durlan), Supergirl; Mr. Mxyzptlk; Fred Danvers; Mrs. Danvers; Superman; Dick Malverne; Rolf Von Holtz; Conway Tremaine. With works by Curt Swan, Stan Kaye, Jerry Siegel, Jim Mooney. This book appears (VG 45), w/ the usual nics, tics and corner wear. stress tears, water stain. Thanks for looking. 5221-1104-45