ADVENTURE COMICS #270 © 1960 DC Comics
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DC Comics © Mar 1960, ADVENTURE COMICS #270. The story is The Stolen Identities. Two Xelthunians secretly replace Ma and Pa Kent to perform a secret mission, not knowing that the Kents are Superboy's foster parents. After Ma Kent unwisely mentions Superboy's vulnerability to kryptonite, the Xelthunians power the transporter ray they plan to use to send Superboy to their planet with red kryptonite and it turns him into a fat Boy of Steel, a bullet-sized Boy of Steel, and a giant Boy of Steel. Once Superboy discovers their secret mission -- moving their sub-atomic world -- and helps them accomplish it, everyone goes home happy.
Starring Superboy [Clark Kent]; Jonathan Kent; Martha Kent; Nerp Gikk; Irm Gikk; Superboy robots; Red Kryptonite; Lana Lang.
With works by Script: Jerry Siegel, Pencils: George Papp, Curt Swan Inks: George Papp, Stan Kaye.
Extra Info
- Publisher: DC Comics
- Issue #: 270
- Volume #: 1
- Print Run Dates: 1938-1983
- Issue Date: March 1960