Amazing Spider-Man #073 © June 1969 Marvel Comics
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Marvel Comics © June 1969, Amazing Spider-Man #73. The story is "The Web Closes".
Characters: Spider-Man Vs Man-Mountain Marko; Vs. the Maggia, which includes Caesar Cicero and Silvermane
With works by Script: Stan Lee, John Romita, John Buscema Pencils: John Romita, Jim Mooney, John Buscema Inks: John Romita, Jim Mooney
Extra Info
- Publisher: Marvel Comics
- Issue #: 73
- Volume #: 1
- Print Run Dates: 1963
- Issue Date: June 1969
- Script: Stan Lee, John Romita, John Buscema
- Pencils: John Romita, Jim Mooney, John Buscema
- Inks: John Romita, Jim Mooney